Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blame it on Art

David Sedaris shares some of his experiences trying to break into the performance art scene. It's one of the funniest segments I've heard on This American Life. "What if you were to symbolize man's inhumanity to man by heating up a skillet of plastic soldiers?" ...hmm, well that line's a lot funnier in the actual segment.

Step 1. Click the link (let it load for about a minute) 
Step 2. Fast forward it to around 15:00 minutes in and it will start soon.

This is supposedly also performance art...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Click For Freedom

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Enter the ConeZone

"Comedy eh? Must be that new kind where the laughs sound more like groans." ...after viewing, the creative staff spent the next 15 minutes quoting the traveling salesman.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Author Unknown

Haiku inside hai-
ku. Did me just break rules of
The ku? Paradox.

Oh dear. A haiku that is self-aware.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Not Uncommon

From The Onion—
CNN Graphic Designer Asked To Combine Dollar Sign, Syringe, Fighter Jets, Panda

ATLANTA—Christine Kannberg, a CNN Headline News graphic designer, expressed befuddlement Monday when asked to create a story logo incorporating a dollar sign, a syringe, fighter jets, and a panda. "I can't even begin to imagine what this one's for," Kannberg said from her workstation. "Maybe, like, the Beijing Zoo was smuggling drugs into the U.S. inside pandas, and we bombed them or something." Last week, Kannberg was asked to create a graphic combining a football helmet, three DNA helixes, a rhubarb pie, and the state of Oregon.
The Conchords Take Flight Once Again

HBO released the first epidode of the 2nd season on youtube. Thank You.

Monday, January 12, 2009

From the Vault

A while back we received a resume from an applicant inquiring about our copy writing position. Attached to the resume was a letter that read...

"...I hope the fact that i'm located in Egypt doesn't hurt my chances of taking the cozy writer position."

...I guess at this point, Egypt is probably not our biggest concern. Bless her heart.
It's just too good

It's an ongoing hobby of mine. They pop onto my screen, and I may have a few extra minutes to engage them. After all, looking for stock photos is easy. Looking for very specific ones can take hours. Looking for the kind I need for my "project" is...hilarious? I like to think I'm giving them a break from the mundane.

My chat with a Getty Images Chat Assistant

Chat Information—Thank you for choosing Getty Images. You are now chatting with Erik.

Erik: Hello! How can I help you today?

Jermaine: hey erik, i was hoping you could help me find an image today?

Erik: Ok Jermaine, what were you looking for?

Jermaine: ok, well, i need an image of a really smart looking pair of shoes

Jermaine: like really smart, as in almost like you can tell the shoes have a high IQ

Jermaine: like maybe the shoes are wearing glasses, or maybe even the shoes are solving a math problem

Erik: Ok give me a moment, this may be one for our research department, but give me a minute to see what I can find.

Jermaine: maybe the shoes are wearing a lab coat and mixing formulas, or the shoes are looking into a microscope looking for a cure for pancreatic cancer

Erik: Ok I am not really seeing anything like that, would you like me to submit a request to our research department?

Jermaine: do you have images of shoes?

Erik: Yes we sure do. I can give you a link to images of just shoes if you like?

Jermaine: do you have images of shoes doing things? like tap-dancing or looking smart?

Jermaine: or solving quadratic equations?

Erik: No we probably dont have any images of shoes solving quadratic equations, let me know if you would like me to submit a research request for "smart" shoes and I can certainly do so.

Jermaine: what about an image of a guy walking with shoes on? Please help

Erik: here is a guy walking with shoes. sb10069764j-001

Jermaine: ok, hold on let me look at it

Erik: Is this project for a client of  [edit]?

Jermaine: it's more of a personal project

Erik: Ok sounds good.

Jermaine: so you're telling me you have images of guys walking with shoes, but you don't have an image of shoes wearing glasses scoring a 1600 on the SAT's?

Erik: Yes Jermaine that is correct.

Jermaine: what if i said there's a crisp ten spot in it for you? then would you tell me where you keep the special photo collection?

Erik: If only it were that easy. 
You, Me, you me you me me you me you me and you and me and me and you? and you and you and you and you and me or you or me or you and me and me and me. and you. with me.